We’ve seen FPGA dev boards out the wazoo—even some complying with the present pattern of putting an FPGA as well as an ARM processor on a single board. Vegyünk egy nagyszerű koncepciót, és keverjük össze egy pár millió Linux / kar táblával, amelyet már felemelnek a munkaasztalokon a világon, és kapsz Logi-t: egy FPGA kifejlesztett, hogy csatlakoztassa a Málna Pi-t, valamint BeaGlebone-t.

Both the Raspberry Pi as well as BeagleBone versions of the LOGi function a Spartan 6 FPGA with 9152 logic cells, 16 DSP Slices, 576KB of RAM, as well as 96 I/O Pins. Hasonlóképpen 256 MB SDRAM, valamint SATA csatlakozó. The Kickstarter has a few demos for this board, namely a device vision, Bitcoin mining (though don’t expect this board to make return-on-investment with mining), as well as an autonomous car manage demo. The LOGi’s hardware is similar to the Papilio Pro, so prospective jobs may include generating NTSC video, adding a VGA out, as well as a few retrocomputer emulations through OpenCores.

Mert mi ez a kickstarter kéri a Pi vagy a “Bone Version of the Logi-89 USD USD-t – Meglepő módon képes FPGA dev tábla, amely egy kicsit olcsóbb, mint a hasonló ajánlatok. Sure, you won’t save any type of money purchasing a Pi as well as a LOGi, however if you have a few Raspberries lying about, you might do much worse for a starter FPGA board.

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